Thursday, January 13, 2011


A dear friend of mine tragically and unexpectedly decided to end his life, and while I may never fully understand why I do know this; Frankie was an amazing, awesome, kind, generous,hilarious, and wonderful person. So my 2011 is dedicated to him. This year I am going to say "yes" more. When I'm feeling scared or apprehensive about doing something I'm going to go ahead and do it. This is a sure way to grow more confident while experiencing the adventure of life- which can be taken away suddenly. Frankie, rest in peace buddy. I am blessed to have known you, and hope to make you proud.
                                                                Photo By Allison V.Smith

*Note* When you hold your problems inside, they tend to take on a greater life and create more harm than they're worth.Speaking to friends, and people you trust really helps to put issues into perspective.Even speaking to someone you're not that close to can get you sound advice because they can take an objective approach to your problem. When you implode you hurt yourself, and when you explode you hurt others. So please try to find healthy ways to discuss and resolve the things that are troubling to you because you are never really alone. Also, venting is healthy and good but do try and find a resolution to your problems, not just an outlet because what's the point if you're not trying to correct them?


  1. I think that people should be able to express themselves before they implode. Sometimes having someone that you can talk to and count on for emotional support is all you really need. Everybody goes through tough times and struggles. It is even more difficult to get through these times when you think you have to go through it all alone. People should try to be nice to one another because they never know what kind of impact that they are having on someone else. They could make the difference for someone that thinks that there is nobody in the world that cares about them.

  2. We all will miss and never forget Frank! I remember the first time meeting him at Booker T. open house with his signature leather jacket and boots!
    Will never forget such a sweet person as frank!

