Thursday, September 12, 2013

Back is Beautiful!

Queretaro, the enchanting place where the school I teach for is located. 

Toodles Bitches, going to Mexico. 
Hola Que Honda Wey?? Hello what's up? I'm back and this time I'm writing to you from across the Rio Grande! That's right your girl is in Mexico! I was presented with a wonderful opportunity to volunteer in this marvelous country, and I jumped at the opportunity. I felt like I was stuck in a rut, for some, routine can be a pleasurable way to past the time, for me my weekly routine was becoming stifiling! So, I shocked my friends, my co-workers and myself- i kid i kid, and came to Mexico!

At the Graduation Ceremony of three of my students. Felicidades Viry, Alicia y Lalo! 
Even though I am very close to my home in terms of Kilometers, Mexico is a whole nother world let me tell you!

I am working for a school called El Puente de Esperanza, in english that's The Bridge of Hope. The school offers a rare opportunity for young, indigenous Mexicans living in poverty. The school believes that by affording these students an education and an opportunity to give back to their community through community service projects, I'll write more about those later, these students will be able to make viable contributions to their neighborhoods and to their country.

This trip has been wonderful, but my ass has been kicked literally, mentally and figuratively. It hasn't been a cake-walk. I'm not yet fluent in spanish pero poco a poco mi espaƱol es mejor! I've had some set-backs, not knowing my way around, and not being fluent in the language but behind every set-back awaits an ever sweeter victory.  The thing is I'm really turned on by challenges, maybe I'm a bit of a masochist but it's true. I like accomplishing things that aren't easy because if they were easy everyone would do it, but I can't lie it's been rough, but I'm addicted to the growth that I see in myself, and I know that when I return to the U.S. I won't be the same girl that boarded that flight. So, stay tuned! 

I'm black I'm back and I'm in Mexico! Orale!

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