Thursday, September 19, 2013

Kickin it with a Jerk

The other night I hung out with a bonafide jerk. This man, let's call him Alejandro, was so douchetastic he actually deserves his own blog post, and so here it goes.

1. "If his wife is acting up, then he's just going to beat her."" Ya, that's when you need to beat your wife." He made several jokes about men beating their wives.

2. He moderated the pace at which we walked, and we were walking in a group!  "Hey guys, can we walk a bit slower please?" Moments later, "Ok guys can we just speed it up." Who does that?

3. Que mas? I ordered a sandwich,  una torta, and while I was eating it, he was not only staring at me, he also decided to instruct me as to how to eat the sandwich. "You have to take a huge bite, or the whole thing will fall apart. Like that, like how it's falling apart now.  It's going to do that if you don't eat a huge bite."

4. It was raining outside, and he constantly complained in graphic detail about how his health was rapidly declining. "Ugh you guys, I'm already feeling the mucus developing." He seriously said that, I can't make it up.

5. His car was parked literally 6 minutes away from my house. When I asked him for a lift back, since you know it was  night time , he said, "Why don't you just take a taxi." Did I mention that it was also raining outside?

It's actually been a long while since I've encountered a person that was truly awful, but at least he has the confidence to be himself, wife beating jokes and all.  Also, have you guys seen these powerful ads against domestic abuse from India, they're amazing. Each ad includes a phone number to report abuse to "Save Our Sisters."

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