Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Welcome Back?

Hi Guys and Gals,
As you can see I took an extended and impromptu hiatus from the world of blogging. I was fully prepared to let this blog fade into the past but during this break a strange thing happened. I kept getting all sorts of wonderful and interesting requests for topics on my blog. People would stop me mid sentence and say, you should blog about that, that's so true why don't you have a blog or something. All of these comments combined with my mother's aggressive insistence, Melyssah don't forget about your blog, did you blog today? Motivated me to come back.

So I'm back, I think. I don't know how long this will last before my next hiatus, but we'll see where this goes.

This blog won't follow the rules of grammar and therefore might not make sense. Good Luck.Oh and if you hate randomness, learn to love it because I'm ALWAYS random.



  1. I found this to be very interesting. And, deep. You should try and focus more on a few key topics that your subscribers understand. But, I for one and glad that you are back from your hiatus, I was getting a bit restless on here without you!

  2. Girl, glad you're back, and yes, you are always random! Love Ya!

